Thursday, April 24, 2008

2008 Financial Goal Progress - April

Two days ago I posted an update on my personal goals, and now it's time to highlight progress on our financial goals.

1. Pay for braces. Accomplished during the first week of February.

2. Refinancing our mortgage. Done - the closing was on February 4th.

3. Contribute 12% to retirement plans. Ongoing - my husband also receives a 2% match.

4. Find a job/source of income for me. I still don't have a steady source of income. I've applied for some jobs, but I haven't even gotten any interviews. Now that we've completed our refi, I want to start using credit card balance transfers to earn some extra interest again.

5. Consolidate retirement accounts. No progress yet. My husband doesn't want to move the accounts while the stock market is down. This will have to wait until he sees the light.

Overall, I'm pleased with my goal progress. I'll concentrate on finding a source of income, and wait a few months before working on the retirement accounts (and my husband) again.

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