Tuesday, April 22, 2008

2008 Personal Goal Progress - April

Lets review progress on my 2008 personal goals; Since the end of January, I've lost 5 more pounds, for a total of 12 pounds. Only 8 more pounds to go to get to my goal of losing 20 pounds. I've been exercising on the elliptical machine for 45 minutes 3-4 times per week, but I haven't been consistent about working out with weights. I'll set a goal of weight-lifting 2-3 times per week.

Date nights with my husband have become more frequent. I'm still working on the "date night every week" goal.

I have only worked on organizing photos two or three times. We just cleared out some stuff from our bonus room by having a yard sale, and now I'll have more room to spread out photos.

I haven't started working on the materials for the finance class I want to teach. I'm still looking into how to get my class added to the Continuing Education schedule.

My goal of going on vacation in Seattle is one step closer to reality. We booked our flights, and we'll be in Washington state for a week at the end of October. Now I need to get our passports in case we're able to visit friends in Vancouver while we're that close.

So overall, I've made decent progress on three goals. I need to step up my efforts with the photos and working on class materials.

The next post will be an update on my financial goals.

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